Errata Corrige

Last edit: 26-Oct-2024

These corrections refer to the slides of my presantation at EuroBSDCon2024 with title: "An introduction to GPIO in RPi3B+ and NetBSD, building a Wind-speed logger as an application."

The corrections reflect my best understanding at the time of last edit.

  1. [slide.26] RPI3B+ has interrupt support (no driver?). I belive now that che gpioirq is using a driver, probably from bcmgpio0.
    ---- dmesg -----
    bcmgpio0: pins 0..31 interrupting on icu irq 49
  2. [slide.34] (suggestion 1.2) "NetBSD to sleep for more than ... " not good, the correct version is "NetBSD to sleep for less than ... ".
  3. [slide.34] (suggestion 1.2) empty loop, I found an equivalent way that simlifies a lot, see delay (9).

Dr. Nicola Mingotti